Thursday, June 12, 2014

Emma at the ripe age of 20 months:

1. Awa? Cookie? She has quite a large vocabulary. At the top of my head I can count about 50 words. With "Cookie"and "awa" (agua) coming in first place. Don't ask me why but this little girl loves everything cookie! "Cookie" is her go-to word. If we ask her to tell us a story it will always involve a cookie. If we ask her to tell us a secret, her little tickle-ish whisper will always involve a cookie. And if we ask her what she wants for breakfast it will ALWAYS involve a cookie! Second up is the word "Awa" (agua). She LOVES playing with water. Wether its playing in the big swimming pool at the rec center or playing with the small watering can in our backyard. If it involves agua she is a happy girl! I can't forget to mention her frequent requests for her water bottle too. Awa?!

2. Baby Snuggles! She LOVES her babies! (her dolls) They are not called dollies or dolls, they are her babies! Ha ha! Nothing too new here, except that now we have her in a toddler bed, (which by the way is way too cute and I can't get over how cuddly she looks in it) she can easily slide in and out of bed by herself. So far she hasn't given us any problems going to bed, but one thing she does do is, once we say goodnight and close her door, she quietly tip toes over to her babies and picks one of the seven babies she has and brings it back with her to bed. It breaks my heart of cuteness! She loves to snuggle her babies! If only I could snuggle my baby like that! She is a lucky mommy! 

3. We are in the process of teaching her how to pray. She has gotten the "fold your arms" part down pretty well, and it is so stinking cute! But she still likes to talk durning the prayer, she repeats "hi, hi, hi, hi" until you open your eyes and acknowledge her! And she also refuses to say Amen. So as you can see we still have some improvements to make but, we are working on it.

4. "Bubbies!!!!!" (Her way of saying bubble guppies) We watch about 6 episode or more of bubble guppies each day! Okay maybe not that many but it sure feels like it! She is hooked on this show! And she gets so into now! If something happens to one of the bubble guppies she comes running to tell me all about it! "Mommeeeee!! Gasses (glasses), Ball, Nonny (Her favorite of the bubble guppies)." Translation: She just told me that, The ball broke Nonny's glasses! Ha ha this girl cracks me up!
Watching buppies on her bean bag while sporting the bubble guppies pjs. *side note: we had to cut these pj's to make them summer appropriate (short sleeves, and shorts) because she loves them so much! She asks to wear them every night!

5. Here comes trouble! This little girl already gets what "money" is used for. This word is a little hard hard to distinguish from "mommy" but I get they point once grabs my purse and is yelling "muneeee"!!! I know horrible! I am raising a future shop-aholic! She sees a coin machine filled with balls and instantly starts asking for muneeee! Which, brings me to her next biggest obsession!

6. Ball?! Ball?! Ball?!!! We cannot pass a ball in the store without buying it! We have an unlimited amount of balls in our house! Pink ones, blues ones, big ones, small ones, spiky ones, light up ones. We have got them all! Her obsession has gotten a bit out of hand! But she is so cute so I let it happen.

7. "halh halh halh," Says the puppy! According to Emma, puppies pant, they don't make the normal "woof woof" sound! Lol! Latley she has been soooo into puppies. Its puppies this, puppies that! I feel that Alan is brainwashing her into wanting a puppy so badly, (because he is the one that really wants one so bad!)  I, on the other hand do not want one and will keep saying no to this poor little girl and her daddy. Ha ha! for now we will stick with visiting both of her grandmas puppies. Her newest fad is taking the puppy for a walk. She discovered this the other day over at Mami Consuelo's house (Alan's mom) with their dog Jo Jo. We walked the dog for about 45 minutes!
Walking the puppy. Best friends!

8. One shoe on, one shoe off. This is how we walk around most of the time. For some reason she thinks she only needs one shoe on. It is so funny! I guess thats the new baby style and I am just not up to date with the newest baby trends!
The proof is in the pudding, or in this case the picture. See only one shoe!

9. 1...2...3...GO!!! She loves counting herself off before she goes down a slide or pretty much anything. Only problem is, she misses number 1 and 2. Her counting goes a little like this, While holding both her little pointer fingers up, counting "teeeee.... teeeee.... go!!!!!!!" (Three, three, go!) She kills me! Don't ask me why she completely blows over the first 2 numbers. We are working on that! :)
Counting herself off, to jump off her blanket. Don't ask me why she thinks its fun!

10. Last but not least. Give her her "ninnie" and she is happy. How can I go without mentioning the precious minnie mouse! Her "ninnie." Making Mickey Mouse clubhouse coming in second to her favorite TV shows. Her ninnie does everything with her! They watch TV together, the go in the car together, they go shopping together, they play hide and go seek together! You get it. Minnie is a popular item in our house!
Watching TV together. You can guess what she is watching. :)

This little girl keeps us on our toes! These are just a few of her greatest interest at the prime age of 20 months! We love you lots little princess! Mommy and Daddy don't know where we would be without you! XOXO

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Review

Here is a little glimpse of the Briones family in 2013.  Some events are bigger than others, but we wanted to look back at both the big and small and enjoy it all! Here is to 2013!


  • Our sweet little Emma was blessed by Alan, in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

  •  We finally finished putting together emma's room in our new home that we moved into in December.

  •  Emma got her first pedicure!

  • Emma had her first Valentines Day

  • First time emma decided to roll over onto her back

  • Alan got a new job at a credit card processing company, and is really liking it.
  • Emma had her first Easter,

  • Emma started sitting up by herself.
  • Emma got her first haircut!

  • Emma experienced her first vacation! We went to st. george with Colleen's family! It was also emma's first time swimming...She loved it!!! 

  • Emma ate baby food for the first time, it was a success! She was in heaven!

  • Alan turned 23! Happy Birthday baby!


  • Colleen turned 22! Happy Birthday to me!

  • Emma stands up with a little support! 
  • Alan's grandpa "Papito pancho" passed away from cancer. He is deeply missed from all of us but we all know he is in a better place and doing wonderful things there!

  • We took a vacation to wolf creek in Ogden, with all of Alan's family! 

  • Emma had her first 4th of July, and corn on the cob! She loved it!

  •  Emma experienced her first boat ride on Grandma and Grandpa's boat! She was an awesome little boater! She loved it!

  •  Emma started walking with the help of her walker


  • We went to Bear Lake for a Richards family reunion!

  • Emma took her first steps without any help!

  • Emma had her first horse ride at Grandpa's barn!

  •  We played dress up for the first time! She actually loved being dressed up! We couldn't take the tutu off of her!

  •  Emma Turned ONE!

  • Emma had her second halloween! She went dressed as Minnie Mouse! Her hero!

  • Colleen decided to go back to school, and major in Music (voice), and starts in Jan at UVU with Alan who is studying psychology.   
  • We took a vacation with Colleen's family to California. We were lucky enough to fly. It was emma's first time on a plane and she did great! It was also Emma's first time at Disneyland! She was in heaven there!

  • Colleen's Great Grandma Richards passed away from a fall and old age, she lived to be 103! We miss her and love her so much! But are happy that she reunited again with her beloved husband!

We did many December activities like, 
Putting up our Christmas tree
 Visiting Temple Square to see the lights
 Visiting the Festival of Trees
 Seeing Santa! Emma wasn't his biggest fan!
 Getting bundled up and playing in the snow!

And of course going sledding!

Alan and I also celebrated our 2 year anniversary! It was such a great day!
And Alan planned the perfect date night! First shopping at city creek, then the nutcracker ballet, and then the yummy tocanos restaurant! Thanks for an amazing anniversary love!!

2013 was so good to us! We have had so many great memories happen this year! Wether big or small they have made a mark in our year! We have loved watching our little princess grow up! Her personality has just exploded! We are so excited to welcome 2014 and eager for the many adventures that lies within the year!
 Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

It's all about Emma

1. She love to accessorize! What else is new? She has a ton of little purses at home but while we were at Kohl's she found this slightly bigger and more expensive one! Lol! Sorry baby girl mommy is not buying you a purse worth $95! She has expensive taste!

2. We settled for this back pack instead.

3. Oh my goodness those cheeks! Lately we are all bundled up in this cold cold weather!

4. She loves her baby dolls! She is such a good mommy! She feeds them, rocks them, gives them tons of kisses and hugs! What more could a baby doll want?

5. We gave her a rib bone for the first time and she LOVED it! I mean she sucked the bone completely dry! No joke!

5. She loves her cousin Damon soooo much! Actually so much she willingly hugs him and kisses him all by herself. She usually pushes anyone away that tries to hug her or kiss her! ha ha!

6. Who knew we had such a good littler bowler in our family! She beat all the other cousins and her own mommy! But beating me isn't to hard!

7. Typical girl can't get enough chocolate

8. She loves her blanket and "nee" (Her Bunny) Drags them everywhere with her in the morning. P.S. can we talk about this sassy little pose of hers? look at the hip action! such a diva!

9. There is nothing I love more than morning snuggles with this one! (The only time she feels like cuddling, and usually it only lasts about 5 minutes or less but those 5 minutes are so good!)

10. She is not the biggest fan of Santa. Although she became very friendly with him after he gave her candy. Lol! I don't know if that should be a good thing!

11. The cutest snow bunny around! Poor thing she hated being all bundled up!

Okay most cutest/funniest/saddest thing ever! She can't walk while being all bundled up and she kept falling down. I couldn't help but laugh! And take a pic

12. Okay I really don't know what it is with my sister Rachel but Emma is absolutely obsessed with her! I have to tell rachel to hide from her sometimes because the second she see's rachel she freaks out and has to go to her!

13. My Diva

14. She found this angel hat at Grandmas and thinks she has to wear it everywhere now! Looks can be deceiving! ;)

15. Okay so embarrassing but, for some reason she loves my bras! She always opens my drawers and gets them out and plays with them. This day she was literally trying to put it on, so I helped her out! She wore it proud!

16. And last of all her new dance move

We love our little Emma so much! Life would be empty without you baby girl! Xoxo